Friday 24 July 2015

PDF⋙ From Critical Thinking to Argument by Sylvan Barnet, Hugo Bedau

From Critical Thinking to Argument by Sylvan Barnet, Hugo Bedau

From Critical Thinking to Argument

From Critical Thinking to Argument by Sylvan Barnet, Hugo Bedau PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From Critical Thinking to Argument is a very brief but thorough guide to critical thinking and argument. With only fifteen readings, this affordable guide can stand alone or complement an anthology. Comprising a condensed version of the text portion of the widely adopted Current Issues and Enduring Questions, it draws on the authors’ dual expertise in effective persuasive writing and comprehensive rhetorical strategies to help students move from critical thinking to argumentative and researched writing. This versatile text features treatment of classic and modern approaches including Aristotelian, Toulmin, and Rogerian argument, as well as a new chapter on analyzing pop culture texts. Like other volumes in the Bedford/St Martin’s popular series of Portable Anthologies and Portable Guides, From Critical Thinking to Argument offers the series’ trademark combination of high quality and great value for teachers of writing and their cost-conscious students.

From reader reviews:

Shawn Macdonald:

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PDF⋙ Psycholinguistics: Introduction and Applications, Second Edition by Lise Menn, Nina F. Dronkers

Psycholinguistics: Introduction and Applications, Second Edition by Lise Menn, Nina F. Dronkers

Psycholinguistics: Introduction and Applications, Second Edition

Psycholinguistics: Introduction and Applications, Second Edition by Lise Menn, Nina F. Dronkers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Psycholinguistics: Introduction and Applications, Second Edition is the first textbook in psycholinguistics created for working language professionals and students in speech-language pathology and language education, as well as for students in psychology and linguistics. It provides a clear, lively introduction to research and ideas about how human brains process language in speaking, understanding, and reading. Within a unifying framework of the constant interplay of bottom-up (sensory) and top-down (knowledge-based) processing across all language uses and modalities, it is an integrated, self-contained, fully updated account of psycholinguistics and its clinical and pedagogical applications. In this second edition, author Lise Menn is joined by leading brain researcher and aphasiologist, Nina Dronkers. The significantly revised brain chapter contains current findings on brain structure and function, including the roles of newly-delineated fiber tracts and language areas outside Broca's and Wernicke's areas.

Five core chapters (language description, brain structure and function, early and later stages of speech production, experimental psycholinguistics) form the foundation for chapters presenting classical and recent research on aphasia, first language development, reading, and second language learning. A final chapter demonstrates how linguistics and psycholinguistics can and should inform classroom and clinical practice in test design and error analysis, while also explaining the care that must be taken in translating theoretically based ideas into such real-world applications. Concepts from linguistics, neurology, and experimental psychology are kept vivid by illustrations of their uses in the real world, the clinic, and language teaching. Technical terms are clearly explained in context and also in a large reference glossary. The text is now accompanied by a web-based Student Workbook. The Instructor's Manual, also new, is flexibly organized for instructors and students of varying backgrounds.

Key Features:

  • Written in clear, vivid, straightforward style by experienced professors with varying student needs and instructor backgrounds in mind
  • Explicit, attractive presentation of clinical and pedagogical applications
  • Covers a range of phenomena from normal, partially-learned, and impaired language, such as phonological dialect variation, semantic category priming and garden-path sentences; alteration of the brain by language experience, overgeneralization, and failure to generalize; aphasia, oral apraxia, perseveration
  • Complete glossary of technical terms that are also clearly explained throughout the text
  • Companion website has sound files, help with learning the International Phonetic Alphabet and anatomical terms, color versions of text figures, and a compact version of the experimental psycholinguistics section for students with backgrounds in psychology
  • NEW! Companion website includes wide range of supplemental research information about language, psycholinguistics, and neurolinguistics
  • NEW! Web-based Student Workbook with problems, self-quizzes, links to additional resources, and optional advanced material
  • NEW! Web-based Instructor s Manual, outlining key concepts and source materials for each section, suggesting discussion topics and instructional activities, and providing explanations and answers for Student Workbook problems.

NOTE: This book comes with supplementary content on a PluralPlus companion website. If you purchase or rent a used copy of the printed book, the code to access the website printed inside the book may have been previously redeemed/used or be incorrect and you will not be able to use it. To guarantee access to the website, it is recommended you purchase a new copy of this book.

From reader reviews:

Nancy Reese:

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Saturday 18 July 2015

PDF⋙ Teach Yourself Sanskrit Complete Course (Teach Yourself Language) by Michael Coulson, Gombrich Richard, James Benson

Teach Yourself Sanskrit Complete Course (Teach Yourself Language) by Michael Coulson, Gombrich Richard, James Benson

Teach Yourself Sanskrit Complete Course (Teach Yourself Language)

Teach Yourself Sanskrit Complete Course (Teach Yourself Language) by Michael Coulson, Gombrich Richard, James Benson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Learn a language from the comfort of your own home

  • With Teach Yourself Sanskrit Complete Course, the series brings to life this ancient language, allowing you not only to learn the literary and classical tongue of India but also to be able to decipher Sanskrit text. It also presents numerous passages of original Sanskrit writing. Includes:

    • Extensive exercises so readers can review what they have learned
    • An overview of the culture surrounding the language, giving travelers and students an understanding of how it is used in context
    • Expertise from authors with strong scholarship in each language

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  • Friday 17 July 2015

    PDF⋙ Computational Paleontology

    Computational Paleontology

    Computational Paleontology

    Computational Paleontology PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

    Computational paleontology is simply a term applied to using computers and its facilities in the field of paleontology. However, we should be exactly precise in describing the term through explaining the main themes of this motivating and attractive scientific field.

    The uppermost aim of this book is to explain how computation could be competent in fetching fossils to life and the past to present. Computers for paleontologists save time and costs, interpret mysterious events precisely and accurately, visualize the ancient life definitely and undeniably.

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    Wednesday 8 July 2015

    PDF⋙ The Connectors: How Successful Businesspeople Build Relationships and Win Clients for Life by Maribeth Kuzmeski

    The Connectors: How Successful Businesspeople Build Relationships and Win Clients for Life by Maribeth Kuzmeski

    The Connectors: How Successful Businesspeople Build Relationships and Win Clients for Life

    The Connectors: How Successful Businesspeople Build Relationships and Win Clients for Life by Maribeth Kuzmeski PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

    What makes the world's most successful individuals so good at their jobs? What do they do that others don't? The Connectors answers those questions with the kind of straightforward wisdom that business strategists so often overlook.

    Forget marketing tactics or business school best practices. Those are handy, but it's really people - and the relationships you build with them - that form the cornerstone of long-term success, sales growth, and excellence.

    Whether you're a salesperson, an entrepreneur, or an executive, your ultimate job is to bring in clients and keep them. Competition is brutal. No matter what you sell, there's probably someone somewhere selling it cheaper and faster than you can. So how do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? The Connectors uses practical exercises and case studies to show you how to set yourself apart from the rest by building high-quality, profitable relationships with your clients and customers.

    The Connectors presents a five-step methodology that helps you build the kind of high-quality relationships that lead to lifelong clients, repeat customers, and endless referrals. You'll learn how to:

  • Stop networking and start truly connecting
  • Create an avalanche of referrals and an army of happy customers
  • Become a "connector," even if you've never been a "people person"
  • Find your social IQ - and improve it
  • Put relationship-building principles to work daily
  • Focus on others and reap the rewards yourself
  • Ask the right questions - and sell without selling
  • Differentiate yourself through the impact you have on others
  • In addition, The Connectors includes a wealth of valuable relationship-building tools, including tips on using software; smart strategies for keeping in touch; speaking tactics that really work; and self-coaching exercises that will change the way you develop relationships.

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    Tuesday 7 July 2015

    PDF⋙ The Re-Enchantment of the West: Volume 1 Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralization, Popular Culture and Occulture by Christopher Partridge

    The Re-Enchantment of the West: Volume 1 Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralization, Popular Culture and Occulture by Christopher Partridge

    The Re-Enchantment of the West: Volume 1 Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralization, Popular Culture and Occulture

    The Re-Enchantment of the West: Volume 1 Alternative Spiritualities, Sacralization, Popular Culture and Occulture by Christopher Partridge PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

    As a book about emergent spirituality in the contemporary West, this books focuses on the nature, evolution and significance of new forms of religion and alternative spiritualities.

    Part One of the book provides the theoretical background and guides the reader through some of the principal debates. After an overview of the secularization thesis, which argues that the West is becoming increasingly disenchanted, the second chapter turns to the sociological analysis of new religions and alternative spiritualities. Particular attention is given to the ideas of the sociologist of religion Ernst Troeltsch, especially his enigmatic analysis of the emergence mystical religion, which presciently provides helpful insights into understanding the contemporary alternative religious milieu. Against sociologists such as Bryan Wilson and Steve Bruce, this and the subsequent chapter argues that, rather than being insignificant, new forms of spirituality are actually proving to be a significant part of Western re-enchantment. Chapter 3 constructs a general theory of the re-enchantment of the West.

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    Octavio Martin:

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    PDF⋙ Picked-Up Pieces: Essays by John Updike

    Picked-Up Pieces: Essays by John Updike

    Picked-Up Pieces: Essays

    Picked-Up Pieces: Essays by John Updike PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

    In John Updike’s second collection of assorted prose he comes into his own as a book reviewer; most of the pieces picked up here were first published in The New Yorker in the 1960s and early ’70s. If one word could sum up the young critic’s approach to books and their authors it would be “generosity”: “Better to praise and share,” he says in his Foreword, “than to blame and ban.” And so he follows his enthusiasms, which prove both deserving and infectious: Kierkegaard, Proust, Joyce, Dostoevsky, and Hamsun among the classics; Borges, Nabokov, Grass, Bellow, Cheever, and Jong among the contemporaries. Here too are meditations on Satan and cemeteries, travel essays on London and Anguilla, three very early “golf dreams,” and one big interview. Picked-Up Pieces is a glittering treasury for every reader who likes life, books, wit—and John Updike.

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    Friday 3 July 2015

    PDF⋙ Where to Start and What to Ask: An Assessment Handbook by Susan Lukas

    Where to Start and What to Ask: An Assessment Handbook by Susan Lukas

    Where to Start and What to Ask: An Assessment Handbook

    Where to Start and What to Ask: An Assessment Handbook by Susan Lukas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

    A "sink or swim" philosophy frequently prevails in mental health settings today.

    As a life raft for beginners and their supervisors, Where to Start and What to Ask provides all the necessary tools for garnering information from clients. Lukas also offers a framework for thinking about that information and formulating a thorough assessment. This indispensable book helps therapeutic neophytes organize their approach to the initial phase of treatment and navigate even rough clinical waters with competence and assurance.

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    Alma Young:

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    Wednesday 1 July 2015

    PDF⋙ Twentieth-Century Music Theory and Practice by Edward Pearsall

    Twentieth-Century Music Theory and Practice by Edward Pearsall

    Twentieth-Century Music Theory and Practice

    Twentieth-Century Music Theory and Practice by Edward Pearsall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

    Twentieth-Century Music Theory and Practice introduces a number of tools for analyzing a wide range of twentieth-century musical styles and genres. It includes discussions of harmony, scales, rhythm, contour, post-tonal music, set theory, the twelve-tone method, and modernism. Recent developments involving atonal voice leading, K-nets, nonlinearity, and neo-Reimannian transformations are also engaged. While many of the theoretical tools for analyzing twentieth century music have been devised to analyze atonal music, they may also provide insight into a much broader array of styles. This text capitalizes on this idea by using the theoretical devices associated with atonality to explore music inclusive of a large number of schools and contains examples by such stylistically diverse composers as Paul Hindemith, George Crumb, Ellen Taffe Zwilich, Steve Reich, Michael Torke, Philip Glass, Alexander Scriabin, Ernest Bloch, Igor Stravinsky, Béla Bartók, Sergei Prokofiev, Arnold Schoenberg, Claude Debussy, György Ligeti, and Leonard Bernstein.

    This textbook also provides a number of analytical, compositional, and written exercises. The aural skills supplement and online aural skills trainer on the companion website allow students to use theoretical concepts as the foundation for analytical listening.

    Access additional resources and online material here: and

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