Thursday 24 December 2015

PDF⋙ Fight Your Ticket & Win in California by David Brown Attorney

Fight Your Ticket & Win in California by David Brown Attorney

Fight Your Ticket & Win in California

Fight Your Ticket & Win in California by David Brown Attorney PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Win your traffic court case with the book that's helped thousands of Californians!

A traffic conviction can add hundreds of dollars to your yearly auto insurance premiums. Fight Your Ticket & Win in California shows you how to handle your case in traffic court, get the right kind of hearing and win.

Attorney David Brown provides you with the detailed tactics you need to:

  • prepare and present your evidence
  • argue before a judge
  • cross-examine a police officer's testimony
  • get your case dismissed
  • appeal a decision
  • determine the consequences of your violation

    The 13th edition provides the latest legal information for California drivers, including fines and penalties, and contains fully up-to-date information on recently signed legislation regarding cell phone use.

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