Thursday 31 December 2015

PDF⋙ Shadows of the Dark by John Zaffis

Shadows of the Dark by John Zaffis

Shadows of the Dark

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John Zaffis is a world-renowned psychic researcher who has investigated thousands of reports of alleged hauntings and witnessed and assisted in over 85 exorcisms to date. He has witnessed and documented levitating furniture, physical attacks by unseen entities and many other inexplicable actions encompassing the supernatural and preternatural. Zaffis also has accumulated thousands of artifacts from case studies including haunted Voodoo dolls, sacrificial swords, and other eerie artifacts from the field. Shadows of the Dark is John Zaffis' extraordinary life story as documented through his case files. This written work is the life, testimony, and frightening recollection of one of today's top ghost busters.

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