Wednesday 2 December 2015

PDF⋙ Venice: A New History by Thomas F. Madden

Venice: A New History by Thomas F. Madden

Venice: A New History

Venice: A New History by Thomas F. Madden PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A spellbinding new portrait of one of the world’s most beloved cities

La Serenissima. Its breathtaking architecture, art, and opera ensure that Venice remains a perennially popular destination for tourists and armchair travelers alike. Yet most of the available books about this magical city are either facile travel guides or fusty academic tomes. In Venice, renowned historian Thomas F. Madden draws on new research to explore the city’s many astonishing achievements and to set 1,500 years of Venetian history and the endless Venetian-led Crusades in the context of the ever-shifting Eurasian world. Filled with compelling insights and famous figures, Venice is a monumental work of popular history that’s as opulent and entertaining as the great city itself.

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